Coming Events
The Visiting Nurse Association (VNA) Mobile Health Clinic Van will be at Christ the King Lutheran Church
each Thursday from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
each Thursday from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
The VNA Mobile Health Clinic provides affordable health care to anyone in our community who may lack access to affordable health care options, including many young families. Advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) can examine, diagnose and prescribe treatments and medications for illnesses such as respiratory infections, flu and strep, eye and ear infections, minor cuts, skin infections and rashes, can also perform school and sport physicals for the youth throughout Indian River County, offer COVID testing and health screenings.
Adult Bible Study resumed on Wednesday, February 5, 2025
at 11:00 am at Christ the King Lutheran Church.
Topics will focus on The Minor Prophets - Details Below.
at 11:00 am at Christ the King Lutheran Church.
Topics will focus on The Minor Prophets - Details Below.
Saturday, March 22, 2025, 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Christ the King Lutheran Church.
Simple Faith Ministries will return to present a free will offering concert.
Christ the King Lutheran Church.
Simple Faith Ministries will return to present a free will offering concert.
Saturday, May 24, 2025, 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Christ the King Lutheran Church.
Free will offering Gospel Concert by Michael James Facciani.
Christ the King Lutheran Church.
Free will offering Gospel Concert by Michael James Facciani.
Past Events
Saturday, February 15, 2025, Christ the King Lutheran Church.
Glory Way returned to present a great free will offering concert to about 45 people in attendance.
Glory Way returned to present a great free will offering concert to about 45 people in attendance.
Saturday, January 25, 2025, Christ Unlimited Concert at Christ the King Lutheran Church. Christ Unlimited presented a free will concert of great gospel music to about 40 people in attendance.
Friday, January 17, 2025: Regular Monthly Meeting of the Indian River County Cancer Support Group. Amy Balog, NP, Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital, gave a presentation on Chair Yoga and its health benefits to approximately 20 in attendance.
Friday, December 20, 2024: Regular Monthly Meeting of the
Indian River County Cancer Support Group
Indian River County Cancer Support Group
Friday, November 22, 2024: Active Shooter Safety Training Program.
Sergeant Cliff Labbe of the Indian River County Sheriff's Office returned to Christ the King Lutheran Church to address active shooter issues and direct a drill.
Sergeant Cliff Labbe of the Indian River County Sheriff's Office returned to Christ the King Lutheran Church to address active shooter issues and direct a drill.
Friday, November 15, 2024 - Regular Monthly Meeting of the
Indian River County Cancer Support Group
Indian River County Cancer Support Group
Friday, October 25, 2024: Active Shooter Safety Training Program
Representatives of the Indian River County Sheriff's Office returned to Christ the King Lutheran Church to address active shooter issues.
Representatives of the Indian River County Sheriff's Office returned to Christ the King Lutheran Church to address active shooter issues.
Friday, October 18, 2024: Regular Monthly Meeting of the
Indian River County Cancer Support Group
Indian River County Cancer Support Group
Friday, September 27, 2024: Free IRC Alzheimer Parkinson Association Class for Dementia Caregivers at Christ the King Lutheran Church. Susan Micheel, Education Coordinator with the Alzheimer Parkinson Association of Indian River County provided information in an interactive format with her presentation titled "Caregiving 101 for Loved Ones with Dementia. Topics included Communication, Making the Home Safe, Activities of Daily Living, Medication Management, and Understanding Behaviors.

Information displayed on TV monitor is slide from Alzheimer Parkinson Association's PowerPoint presentation© dated 9/23/2024.
Friday, September 20, 2024 - Regular Monthly Meeting of the
Indian River County Cancer Support Group. Approximately 20 members and guests heard Guest speaker Tom Bovier of the Owen Insurance Group deliver a Medicare presentation addressing current changes to the plan and answering questions from the audience related to Medicare, Medicare Supplement plans, and Medicare Advantage plans.
Indian River County Cancer Support Group. Approximately 20 members and guests heard Guest speaker Tom Bovier of the Owen Insurance Group deliver a Medicare presentation addressing current changes to the plan and answering questions from the audience related to Medicare, Medicare Supplement plans, and Medicare Advantage plans.
Friday, August 23, 2024 - Addictions Presentation
Friday, August 16, 2024 - Regular Monthly Meeting of the
Indian River County Cancer Support Group
Indian River County Cancer Support Group
Friday, July 26, 2024 - Transportation Options Presentation. Chris Stephenson of Senior Resources Association of Indian River County discussed FREE GoLine transportation options available for citizens of Indian River County.
Friday, July 19, 2024 - Regular Monthly Meeting of the
Indian River County Cancer Support Group: Guest Speaker Moreen Burkart, Neurologic Music Therapist from Music Matters presented information related to music therapy and enrichment services that are available to help facilitate improved quality of life for seniors.
Indian River County Cancer Support Group: Guest Speaker Moreen Burkart, Neurologic Music Therapist from Music Matters presented information related to music therapy and enrichment services that are available to help facilitate improved quality of life for seniors.
Friday, June 28, 2024 - Veteran Services Presentation by Michelle L. Auton, Indian River County Veteran Services Officer
Friday, June 21, 2024 - Regular Monthly Meeting of the
Indian River County Cancer Support Group
Indian River County Cancer Support Group
Monday, June 24, 2024 - Hands-only CPR/AED class presented by American Red Cross.
Saturday, May 25, 2024: Free will Gospel Concert by Simple Faith Ministries. This group of four vocalists from Largo, FL, west of Tampa presented a well-received concert to approximately 40 CTK members and visitors.
Friday, May 17, 2024 - Regular Monthly Meeting of the
Indian River County Cancer Support Group: Guest speaker Artist Jean Carol Breeding presented her Women of Valor paintings and relayed stories of her tragic loss and other women who are overcoming grief after enduring great losses.
Indian River County Cancer Support Group: Guest speaker Artist Jean Carol Breeding presented her Women of Valor paintings and relayed stories of her tragic loss and other women who are overcoming grief after enduring great losses.
Friday, April 26, 2024 - Sam Lyons from Thrivent discussed investment opportunities for seniors.
Friday, April 19, 2024 - Regular Monthly Meeting of the
Indian River County Cancer Support Group.
Indian River County Cancer Support Group.
Friday, March 22, 2024 - Gayle Owens, Estate Planning Attorney discussed wills, estates, private and durable power of attorney, and more.
Sunday, March 17, 2024, After Worship Service - Congregational Meeting. Council President Betty Taylor presented the 2024 goals set by the Council and its Security Upgrades proposal and members unanimously approved additional spending for the proposal items.
Friday, March 15, 2024 - Cancer Support Group Meeting
at Christ the King Lutheran Church. 21 attendees heard special guest speakers Candi Alexander and Jessica Nettles of Visiting Nurses Association (VNA) discuss VNA Services and Hospice, and "The Five Wishes".
at Christ the King Lutheran Church. 21 attendees heard special guest speakers Candi Alexander and Jessica Nettles of Visiting Nurses Association (VNA) discuss VNA Services and Hospice, and "The Five Wishes".
Starting Wednesday, February 21, 2024 and continuing for five Wednesdays through March 20, 2024. Pastor Richard Barbour led a Midweek Lenten Worship at Christ the King Lutheran Church. Soup and sandwiches were provided for attendees. The scripture focus for these services was on Five Consoling Messages.
Friday, February 16, 2024 - Regular Monthly Meeting of the Indian River County Cancer Support Group
Saturday, January 27, 2024, Christ Unlimited Concert at Christ the King Lutheran Church. Approximately 45 members and non-members attended this hour-long concert which included great gospel music.
Friday, January 19, 2024, Cancer Support Group Meeting
at Christ the King Lutheran Church.
21 attendees heard special guest speaker Emily Snow, Adult & Senior Services Director at the Senior Resource Association discuss new support services available within our local community.
at Christ the King Lutheran Church.
21 attendees heard special guest speaker Emily Snow, Adult & Senior Services Director at the Senior Resource Association discuss new support services available within our local community.
Friday, December 15, 2023
Regular Monthly Meeting of the Indian River County
Cancer Support Group
Regular Monthly Meeting of the Indian River County
Cancer Support Group
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Identity Theft and Fraud Protection Forum
at Christ the King Lutheran Church
Roberta Barker, Former IR County Deputy Sheriff and Sergeant Cliff Labbe of the Indian River County Sheriff's Office explained how you can avoid being the target of identity theft and how you can reduce your chances of becoming a victim a 90-minute interactive presentation.
Identity Theft and Fraud Protection Forum
at Christ the King Lutheran Church
Roberta Barker, Former IR County Deputy Sheriff and Sergeant Cliff Labbe of the Indian River County Sheriff's Office explained how you can avoid being the target of identity theft and how you can reduce your chances of becoming a victim a 90-minute interactive presentation.
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Thanksgiving Interfaith Service
at St. Sebastian Catholic Church
13075 US Highway 1, Sebastian, FL 32958
This special service included officials from a variety of faiths from the Sebastian area. Pastor Richard Barbour of Christ the King Lutheran Church gave the sermon at this year's Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service.
Thanksgiving Interfaith Service
at St. Sebastian Catholic Church
13075 US Highway 1, Sebastian, FL 32958
This special service included officials from a variety of faiths from the Sebastian area. Pastor Richard Barbour of Christ the King Lutheran Church gave the sermon at this year's Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service.
Friday, November 17, 2023
Regular Monthly Meeting
of Indian River County Cancer Support Group
Regular Monthly Meeting
of Indian River County Cancer Support Group
Monday, November 13, 2023
Active Shooter Safety Training Program
Sergeant Cliff Labbe of the Indian River County Sheriff's Office made his second presentation at Christ the King Lutheran Church to 34 very interested observers which included very interactive discussion. His presentation contained many video clips that illustrated key aspects related to active shooting events and was scheduled for those who could not make the previous evening presentation by Sergeant Labbe.
Active Shooter Safety Training Program
Sergeant Cliff Labbe of the Indian River County Sheriff's Office made his second presentation at Christ the King Lutheran Church to 34 very interested observers which included very interactive discussion. His presentation contained many video clips that illustrated key aspects related to active shooting events and was scheduled for those who could not make the previous evening presentation by Sergeant Labbe.
Saturday, November 4, 2023
Sex Trafficking Panel Discussion
Christ the King Lutheran Church
Panelists Sarah Marie Henry of Catch a Wave of Hope, Libby Snider of The Center for Independent Living, and Captain Ross Partee of the Indian River County Sheriff's Office presented a comprehensive program that addressed all aspects of the sex trafficking problem facing our country, with particular emphasis on the younger generation. 33 attendees heard the informative presentation that included a combination of real-life experiences of the panelists, case studies, and related videos.
Sex Trafficking Panel Discussion
Christ the King Lutheran Church
Panelists Sarah Marie Henry of Catch a Wave of Hope, Libby Snider of The Center for Independent Living, and Captain Ross Partee of the Indian River County Sheriff's Office presented a comprehensive program that addressed all aspects of the sex trafficking problem facing our country, with particular emphasis on the younger generation. 33 attendees heard the informative presentation that included a combination of real-life experiences of the panelists, case studies, and related videos.
Thursday, November 2, 2023
Active Shooter Safety Training Program
Sergeant Cliff Labbe of the Indian River County Sheriff's Office made a presentation to 28 very interested observers a during an interactive presentation at Christ the King Lutheran Church. His presentation contained many video clips that illustrated key aspects related to active shooting events.
Active Shooter Safety Training Program
Sergeant Cliff Labbe of the Indian River County Sheriff's Office made a presentation to 28 very interested observers a during an interactive presentation at Christ the King Lutheran Church. His presentation contained many video clips that illustrated key aspects related to active shooting events.
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Presentation by John Daly
Certified Eldercare Consultant from the Alzheimer & Parkinson Association of Indian River County
Topic: Driving Beyond with Dignity - Bringing peaceful resolution to the complex, sensitive, and emotional senior driving issues.
Presentation by John Daly
Certified Eldercare Consultant from the Alzheimer & Parkinson Association of Indian River County
Topic: Driving Beyond with Dignity - Bringing peaceful resolution to the complex, sensitive, and emotional senior driving issues.
Friday, October 20, 2023
Regular Monthly Meeting of
Indian River County Cancer Support Group
Regular Monthly Meeting of
Indian River County Cancer Support Group
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Presentation by Courtney Sanchez, Program Director
and two others from the Alzheimer & Parkinson Association
of Indian River County at Christ the King Lutheran Church
Pastor Rich and 11 other participants listened to an informative discussion-filled presentation that addressed dementia-related topics including the effective communication strategies and experiencing dementia, handling conversations, responding to behaviors, and experiencing dementia.
Presentation by Courtney Sanchez, Program Director
and two others from the Alzheimer & Parkinson Association
of Indian River County at Christ the King Lutheran Church
Pastor Rich and 11 other participants listened to an informative discussion-filled presentation that addressed dementia-related topics including the effective communication strategies and experiencing dementia, handling conversations, responding to behaviors, and experiencing dementia.
September 21, 2023
Presentation by Alzheimer & Parkinson Association
of Indian River County
Courtney Sanchez, Program Director, provided an informative presentation that addressed the various aspects of dementia and its relationship to Alzheimer's disease. She also identified the warning signs associated with dementia and her associate provided information related to available support resources in the Sebastian and Indian River County area. (Click on photos below to expand.)
Presentation by Alzheimer & Parkinson Association
of Indian River County
Courtney Sanchez, Program Director, provided an informative presentation that addressed the various aspects of dementia and its relationship to Alzheimer's disease. She also identified the warning signs associated with dementia and her associate provided information related to available support resources in the Sebastian and Indian River County area. (Click on photos below to expand.)
September 15, 2023
Regular Monthly Meeting of
Indian River County Cancer Support Group
28 attendees heard an extremely informative presentation related to Medicare Insurance by Gary W. Owen, LUTCF, President of the Owen Insurance Group located in Stuart, FL. Gary expertly addressed numerous questions from the audience related to the variety of Medicare-related plans and current changes and implications of such changes.
Regular Monthly Meeting of
Indian River County Cancer Support Group
28 attendees heard an extremely informative presentation related to Medicare Insurance by Gary W. Owen, LUTCF, President of the Owen Insurance Group located in Stuart, FL. Gary expertly addressed numerous questions from the audience related to the variety of Medicare-related plans and current changes and implications of such changes.
September 10, 2023
After Worship Service:
"God's Work. Our Hands" Day of Service
Following worship, 50 bags with specific supplies were filled for the residents of the Certus Premier Memory Care Assisted Living Facility in Vero Beach. The supplies, purchased with a $250 Thrivent grant, were dry erase boards with pens, word search books, puzzles, and card games. The items were chosen to help stimulate the minds and dexterity of the residents. As part of our project, our volunteers pasted a special message inside a faith-based card and signed it. Also, placed in the bags were bookmarks with a Bible verse, square pouches containing a wooden cross, and pictures depicting The Good Shepherd. (Click on photos below to expand.) More pictures can be seen in the "SERVING OUR COMMUNITY" section under the "MINISTRY" tab by clicking the button below.
After Worship Service:
"God's Work. Our Hands" Day of Service
Following worship, 50 bags with specific supplies were filled for the residents of the Certus Premier Memory Care Assisted Living Facility in Vero Beach. The supplies, purchased with a $250 Thrivent grant, were dry erase boards with pens, word search books, puzzles, and card games. The items were chosen to help stimulate the minds and dexterity of the residents. As part of our project, our volunteers pasted a special message inside a faith-based card and signed it. Also, placed in the bags were bookmarks with a Bible verse, square pouches containing a wooden cross, and pictures depicting The Good Shepherd. (Click on photos below to expand.) More pictures can be seen in the "SERVING OUR COMMUNITY" section under the "MINISTRY" tab by clicking the button below.
August 18, 2023
Regular Monthly Meeting
of Indian River County Cancer Support Group
This group allows people with cancer, as well as those touched by it, to share feelings, experiences, tips and advice in a safe environment.
Regular Monthly Meeting
of Indian River County Cancer Support Group
This group allows people with cancer, as well as those touched by it, to share feelings, experiences, tips and advice in a safe environment.
July 25, 2023
Florida Guardian ad Litem Foundation Information Session
Vickie Stromak, a volunteer recruiter with the Florida Statewide Guardian ad Litem Office in Circuit 19 on the Treasure Coast, explained what the Guardian ad Litem agency does, how volunteers are trained and how it helps children that are abused, abandoned or neglected. She answered many questions raised by an interested group of CTK participants who viewed her presentation.
Florida Guardian ad Litem Foundation Information Session
Vickie Stromak, a volunteer recruiter with the Florida Statewide Guardian ad Litem Office in Circuit 19 on the Treasure Coast, explained what the Guardian ad Litem agency does, how volunteers are trained and how it helps children that are abused, abandoned or neglected. She answered many questions raised by an interested group of CTK participants who viewed her presentation.
July 21, 2023
Regular Monthly Meeting
of Indian River County Cancer Support Group
Jackie Ruiz and Jesssica Nettles of the Visiting Nurses Association (VNA) explained the services of the VNA, including home health, hospice, private care, and community health services. Their presentation included a detailed explanation end-of-life issues and the Five Wishes form that documents ones wishes during an end-of-life period. The presentation included many questions that were expertly answered. More information can be obtained by contacting VNA at or calling 772-567-5551. (Click on photos below to expand.)
Regular Monthly Meeting
of Indian River County Cancer Support Group
Jackie Ruiz and Jesssica Nettles of the Visiting Nurses Association (VNA) explained the services of the VNA, including home health, hospice, private care, and community health services. Their presentation included a detailed explanation end-of-life issues and the Five Wishes form that documents ones wishes during an end-of-life period. The presentation included many questions that were expertly answered. More information can be obtained by contacting VNA at or calling 772-567-5551. (Click on photos below to expand.)
June 27 through October 31, 2023
Adult Bible Study at Christ the King Lutheran Church
Thirteen sessions of an Adult Bible Study Series led by Betty Taylor. TOPIC: The Book of Ecclesiastes.
Adult Bible Study at Christ the King Lutheran Church
Thirteen sessions of an Adult Bible Study Series led by Betty Taylor. TOPIC: The Book of Ecclesiastes.
June 16, 2023
Regular Monthly Meeting
of Indian River County Cancer Support Group
This group allows people with cancer, as well as those touched by it, to share feelings, experiences, tips and advice in a safe environment.
Regular Monthly Meeting
of Indian River County Cancer Support Group
This group allows people with cancer, as well as those touched by it, to share feelings, experiences, tips and advice in a safe environment.
May 20, 2023
Memories That Live Again Concert by Michael James Facciani
Nearly 70 attendees thoroughly enjoyed great hymns and songs of yesteryear presented by this great performer. Songs featured those by Frank Sinatra, Robert Goulet, Englebert Humperdink, Johney Cash, Elvis Pressley, and MORE!
On May 19, 2023, the Indian River Cancer Support Group
met at Christ the King Lutheran Church. The special guest speaker was Dr. Kathryn Anderson, Dermatologist affiliated with the Cleveland Clinic, who spoke on skin cancer types and concerns.
May 9, 2023
Free Community Forum New One-stop Shopping for
Feminine Medical Help explained at 6pm at Christ the King Lutheran Church
Doctors Kristie Crawford and Lindsey Bruce of Vero Women’s Care made a presentation and participated in an informative discussion related to a variety of female-centered medical help beyond the typical gynecological services , including minimally invasive surgery (with robotics), primary care medicine, psychology, pelvic floor therapy, nutrition, and aesthetics.
January 21, 2023 Glory Way Quartet

Dollywood performers and former Southern Gospel Artists of the Year, GloryWay quartet,
performed a free concert Saturday, January 21, 2023 at Christ the King Lutheran Church.
The concert was open to the public. GloryWay was founded in Mansfield, Ohio by lead singer, Justin Crank.
Raised on good old-fashion gospel music, Justin developed a love for four-part harmony.
What began as four friends singing around town was blessed by God and has blossomed into a powerful full-time ministry.